muriel mallin / 20/034

— Sold out

Muriel Mallin was born in Chicago in 1927 to an English plasterer who came back to the UK in 1931 to escape US recession.
Muriel won a scholarship to Woolwich School of Art. Via her mother’s early death and evacuation, she left home in her mid-teens and progressed from Woolwich to the Central School of Art, training as an illustrator under the guidance of Johnny Minton.
She met Tom Malin in 1947 via the Anglo French School of Art, London. With their two sons they moved to Clare, Suffolk, in 1955. Muriel turned away from illustration and took up landscape painting in the 1960s while teaching part time.
In 1988 she moved to the coast – Lowestoft, Suffolk.
She died in 2002.


illustration in ink
certified by the artists son, Rupert Mallin

image 275 x 175mm
vintage gilt and dark wood frame (distressed)

the work shows the influence of john minton